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Electronic Resources for Supreme Court Practice

Practicing Before the Texas Supreme Court ()

In April, I spoke at the biennial “Practicing Before the Supreme Court of Texas” program held in Austin. The topic I was given was about the electronic resources available to practitioners. I wanted to give it a little different spin.

So, in addition to covering the Court’s web resources and other tools (such as my own DocketDB docket-tracking site for pending Texas appellate cases), I also demonstrated how the Court’s openness with these raw materials lets us build the search tools we as practitioners need.

The situation I posed was, “When drafting a petition for review, you need to search to see if other pending petitions already raise a similar issue.” To address that common need, I did a live demonstration on the projector screen, showing how to use Google’s scoped search to pinpoint the legal briefs on the Court’s website — and even filter them by docket number.

At the talk, I promised a “cheat sheet” for anyone who wanted those steps reduced to a written form. (The slide deck does not capture the live demonstration.)
